Sometimes it takes us 2 hours and sometimes 48hours. It can be more but this case is very rare.
Accessloss® has different prices depending on four factors: antiquity, number of followers, number of posts and if it is a personal or a professional account.
There is no way to contact them directly. There is no telephone number. We are the alternative to recover your IG account until it is too late.
The main reason why “phish” social media accounts is that they want to get money from you. If they can’t get money from you, they will any of your follower’s list.
Yes it is, our team will take a direct response to the user. It is very important to contact us before they share any of your private messages, posts or conversations.
Accessloss® takes from 3 hours to 4 days in the worst of scenarios. Our normal scenario is 1-2 days.
Instagram has 60,000 employees and 2B accounts that are vulnerable. No every single of them are on the security team, that’s why caused to the big quantity of requests, sometimes they will never respond to your request.
Risk number one is that you can lose your account forever, starting from zero takes years, recovering all of your followers will take years too. Also counting on the fact that the hacker will act as it was you. This means that he will try to steal from you and other close friends or familiars.